My teaching priorities include rigorous instruction, student engagement and curricular innovations. In evaluations, my students identify my expertise, organization, passion, clarity and fairness among my strengths.
At CSUF, I currently teach ...
Communications Law
COMM 407 | This course introduces students to the legal regulations of mass communication, including rationales for and limits to First Amendment protections of freedom of speech and press. By the end of this course, students should be able to recognize and address common legal issues facing mass media practitioners; articulate and evaluate different theories of the First Amendment; and apply legal theories, principles and doctrines to hypothetical and real-world problems.
Follow COMM 407 on Twitter #comm407 and read the best tweets on Wakelet.
Past CSUF courses include ...
Journalism Innovations
COMM 461 - | This course blends study of modern journalism with instruction in general entrepreneurship concepts of how the Internet and digital technologies are transforming media economics. Students study the social, structural and technological transformations in modern journalism and develop an entrepreneurial mindset in examining and creating new-media business models. Students will identify, develop and pitch ideas for media businesses; research and write a business case study; and perform skill-building exercises in business analysis and digital technologies. Local entrepreneurs will meet with the class to discuss strategies and trends.
History and Philosophy of American Mass Communication
COMM 425 - | This course surveys historical and philosophical topics in American mass communications. By the end of this course, students should be able to understand the importance of mass communication to America’s past, including the major ideological, political, social, economic and technological developments; and relate historical events and themes to contemporary issues.
News Media Production
COMM 471 | This course provides students with “on the job” training and experience in multimedia journalism, emphasizing fundamental skills across journalism platforms. Members of the class constitute the editorial staff of the Daily Titan, CSUF’s award-winning daily newspaper and news Web site. Students are expected to devote at least 10 hours per week to reporting projects in addition to class meetings.
Before CSUF, I also taught at ...
University of Wisconsin-Madison | 2004-2009
Mass Media Practices
J202 | Teaching assistant responsible for 6-hour-a-week lab in multimedia practices for journalism and strategic communication students. | Course description: Communication as a process involving sender and receiver, message and medium. J202 goals are threefold: 1) to lay a foundation of basic communication skills, including writing, editing, conducting research using traditional and online resources, numeracy, and elements of design and story presentation, 2) to help students develop an appreciation of how different media influence the nature of information presented, 3) to introduce students to technical skills that will be used in advanced professional classes—page layout, HTML authoring, digital audio and video editing.
Law of Mass Communication
J559 | Teaching assistant responsible for 4 graded discussion sections each week. | Course description: Freedom of speech and press with particular emphasis on major legal issues confronting media practitioners; introduction to such areas of law as censorship, libel, invasion of privacy, access to information, regulation of electronic media and commercial speech.
The First Amendment
PS471 | Teaching assistant responsible for 4 graded discussion sections each week.| Course description: An examination of the basic principles, purposes, and assumptions of First Amendment cases and literature, with attention to both historical and contemporary controversies.
Wisconsin Center for Academically Talented Youth Instructor | 2005-2009
Developed and taught “You Can’t Read That! Censorship and Banned Books in Young Adult Literature,” October 2007-May 2009.
Developed and taught “I Want to be Treated Equally! Racism and Struggles for Equality in American Historical Fiction,” October 2008-May 2009.
Developed and taught “Get the Scoop! Introduction to Journalism,” a 60-hour summer accelerated journalism program for middle school students, 2005 and 2006.
University of the State of New York Education Department | 7-12 English Teacher Certification
Earned permanent, lifetime teaching credential from state.
New York City Department of Education Teacher, C.I.S. 166, New York City | 2001-2004
Taught 7th and 8th grade English and history in inner-city public school in South Bronx. Developed and led mock trial, debate, journalism and Scrabble after-school programs. Led students to record-setting advances on district reading exams. Awarded “Outstanding Teacher” honor at annual district conference. Developed and led professional development seminars on balanced literacy curriculum for new teachers.
Teach For America Corps Member | 2001-2003
Member of national service corps of leaders who teach in underfunded urban and rural public schools. Learning Team Leader, Summer Institute. Trained new social studies teachers in best practices, 2004.